Development of tumor-specific anti-angiogenic inhibitor Cet-Grab and combined treatment strategies of Cetuximab and L-ascorbic acid암 특이적 혈관신생억제제 Cet-Grab의 개발과 Cetuximab, L-ascorbate 병용요법에 관한 연구

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dc.contributor.advisorKim, Ho Min-
dc.contributor.advisorKim, Tae Won-
dc.contributor.authorLee, Dae Hee-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 의과학학제전공, 2017.8,[vi, 84 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractCetuximab is a monoclonal antibody directed against EGFR which is overexpressed in most of the human solid tumors. As an effective clinical therapy for patients with wild-type KRAS, Cetuximab blocks EGFR mediated proliferative signaling on basis of the strong binding affinity to EGFR. In the first part of the research, we described the development of Cet-Grab which has a strong affinity to VEGFA, PlGF, and EGFR. VEGF decoy receptor VEGF-Grab, the earlier version of Cet-Grab, was limited its wider application due to insufficient tumor localization. To achieve tumor-specific vascular disruption, we adopted Cetuximab and generated Cet-Grab by biochemical fusion of Cetuximab and VEGF-Grab. Compared to VEGF-Grab, Cet-Grab showed effective anti-proliferative potential by inhibiting EGFR-mediated signaling. Moreover, Cet-Grab specifically localized around tumor region and resulting in improved anti-angiogenic potential in A431 xenograft mouse model. First part of the study could provide an insight for designing multi-paratopic Fc-fusion protein and highlights the efficiency of tumor-specific localization of angiogenic inhibitor. In the second part of the research, we suggested L-ascorbic acid as the partner of Cetuximab in abrogating Cetuxi-mab resistance caused by mutant KRAS. The treatment of L-ascorbic acid to mutant KRAS human colon cancer cell lines synergistically induced cellular death with Cetuximab in a SVCT-2 (Sodium-dependent Vit-amin C Transporter 2) dependent manner. Consistently, substantial tumor regression was observed under the treatment of L-ascorbic acid with Cetuximab in mice bearing SVCT-2 positive, Cetuximab resistant colon cancer cells. Interestingly, treatment of L-ascorbic-acid with Cetuximab-induced both apoptotic and necrotic cell death which is accompanied by the inactivation of RAFs and activation of the ASK-1-p38 pathway. These results demonstrate that the Cetuximab resistance in patients with mutant KRAS could be overcome by the combined treatment of L-ascorbic acid and Cetuximab in an SVCT-2 dependent manner.-
dc.subjectCetuximab▼aCet-Grab▼aTumor angiogenesis▼aSVCT-2▼aDrug resistance-
dc.subjectCetuximab▼aCet-Grab▼a암 혈관 신생▼aSVCT-2▼a약물 저항성-
dc.titleDevelopment of tumor-specific anti-angiogenic inhibitor Cet-Grab and combined treatment strategies of Cetuximab and L-ascorbic acid-
dc.title.alternative암 특이적 혈관신생억제제 Cet-Grab의 개발과 Cetuximab, L-ascorbate 병용요법에 관한 연구-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :의과학학제전공,-
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