Synthesis and optimization of dual operational-mode circuits듀얼 동작 모드 회로의 합성과 최적화

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dc.contributor.advisorShin, Youngsoo-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Sangmin-
dc.description학위논문(박사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학부, 2016.2 ,[viii, 78 p. :]-
dc.description.abstractA dual-mode circuit is a circuit that has two operating modes: a default high-performance mode at nominal voltage and a secondary low-performance near-threshold voltage (NTV) mode. A key problem that is addressed is to minimize performance loss at NTV or maximize NTV mode clock frequency. A standard cell library for dual-mode circuits is proposed-
dc.description.abstracttransistor sizes are balanced and stack transistors are reduced. Gate sizing is performed to minimize negative slacks at both modes-
dc.description.abstracta new sensitivity measure is introduced for this purpose-
dc.description.abstractbinary search is then applied to find the maximum NTV mode frequency. Clock tree synthesis is re-formulated to minimize clock skew at both modes. This is motivated by the fact that the proportion of load-dependent delay along clock paths, as well as clock path delays themselves, should be made equal. Experiments on test circuits indicate that NTV mode clock frequency is increased by 39% on average-
dc.description.abstractclock skew at NTV decreases by 15% on average. Overall, NTV mode clock frequency is increased on average by 32%, while circuit area and energy consumption is increased by 4% and 5%, respectively.-
dc.subjectclock tree optimization-
dc.subjectdual-mode circuit-
dc.subjectgate sizing-
dc.subjectnear-threshold voltage-
dc.subjecttiming optimization-
dc.subject게이트 사이징-
dc.subject듀얼 모드 회로-
dc.subject문턱전압 근처 전압-
dc.subject클럭 트리 최적화-
dc.subject타이밍 최적화-
dc.titleSynthesis and optimization of dual operational-mode circuits-
dc.title.alternative듀얼 동작 모드 회로의 합성과 최적화-
dc.description.department한국과학기술원 :전기및전자공학부,-
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