Study on inventory recovery system design of supercritical $CO_2$ power cycle for sodium-cooled fast reactor소듐 냉각 고속로 적용 초임계 이산화탄소 발전 싸이클의 재고량 회수 시스템 설계 연구

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Current Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor (SFR) design may face difficulty in public acceptance due to the potential risk from sodium-water reaction (SWR) when the current conventional steam Rankine cycle is utilized as a power conversion system for a sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR). In order to eliminate SWR, a concept of coupling the Supercritical $CO_2$ ($S-CO_2$) cycle with SFR has been proposed. Controlling the $CO_2$ inventory of any power systems is important for stable operation and achieving high efficiency. To design an inventory control system for the $S-CO_2$ power cycle, the total $CO_2$ mass in the system should be known first. This means that not only $CO_2$ in turbo-machinery and heat exchangers is important but also $CO_2$ in piping system is important. Furthermore, pressure drop in the pipes should be considered when designing a realistic $S-CO_2$ power system. For these reasons, pipe design of a $S-CO_2$ power plant is pre-requisite to the conceptual design of the inventory control system and overall power system concept as well. Because the $S-CO_2$ power cycle is a highly pressurized system, certain amount of leakage flow is inevitable in the rotating turbo-machinery via seals. The parasitic loss caused by the leakage flow should be minimized since this is directly connected to the cycle efficiency. A model for estimating critical flow in a turbo-machinery seal is essential to predict the leakage flow rate and calculate the required total mass of working fluid in a S-$CO_2$ power system for minimizing the parasitic loss. In this work, how to select a suitable pipe of the $S-CO_2$ power plant is first discussed. This is followed by showing a conceptual design of the $S-CO_2$ power cycle for a small modular reactor (SMR) type SFR application. A computational critical flow model is described next and experiments were conducted for the critical flow calculation validation. Study on a $CO_2$ recovery system design was conducted by finding the suitable recovery point and sensitivity analysis was performed on the power system performance with respect to multiple $CO_2$ recovery process options.
Lee, Jeong Ikresearcher이정익researcher
한국과학기술원 :원자력및양자공학과,
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학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 원자력및양자공학과, 2016.2 ,[vi, 74 p. :]


Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor; 소듐냉각고속로; 초임계 이산화탄소 브레이튼 싸이클; 초임계 이산화탄소 파이프 설계; 이산화탄소 임계 유동 모델; 재고량 회수 시스템

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