Browse "College of Liberal Arts and Convergence Science(인문사회융합과학대학)" by Author Park, Buhm Soon

Showing results 1 to 60 of 65

A Matter of National Dignity? Tuberculosis, North Korean Defectors, and the Politics of Disease Management

Kim, Gyuri; Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of International Society for the History and Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, International Society for the History of Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology, 2015-07-09

A Political Life of “Galaxy City”: Science Policy, City Planning, and Two Presidential Elections

Park, Buhm Soon; Woo, Taemin; SHIN, YOUJUNG, Annual Meeting of the Society of the History of Technology, Society of the History of Technology, 2016-06-24

An Element of Controversy: The Life of Chlorine in Science, Medicine, Technology, and War

Park, Buhm Soon, ISIS, v.101, no.3, pp.687 - 688, 2010-09

An Intellectual Pilgrimage after the Second Keikoku: Japanese Scientists in the U.S. Federal Laboratories

Park, Buhm Soon, International Conference of the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology in East Asia, Society for the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology in East Asia, 2008-07-12

Another Look at Science-The Endless Frontier: An NIH Perspective

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, pp.0 - 0, History of Science Society, 2005-11

Asbestos activism and environmental health policy in South Korea = 한국의 석면운동과 환경보건정책: 보상레짐 내에서 위험물질에 대한 지식생산link

Kang, Yeonsil; 강연실; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2017

Assetization of Genomic Technology: Reframing Ownership and Subjectivity in Korea and in the U.S.

Park, Buhm Soon; Choi, Chul, Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Society for Social Studies of Science, 2019-09-04

Behind South Korea’s Covid-19 Success Narrative: Contestations over Openness, Transparency, and Democracy

Park, Buhm Soon, 4S Annual Meeting, Society for Social Studies of Science, 2021-10-07

Between Accuracy and Manageability: Computational Imperatives in Quantum Chemistry

Park, Buhm Soon, HISTORICAL STUDIES IN THE NATURAL SCIENCES, v.39, no.1, pp.32 - 62, 2009

Biodiversity, Precautionary Principle, and the Transnational Governance of Synthetic Biology

Woo, Tae Min; Park, Buhm Soon, Biennial Conference of the Asia-Pacific Science, Technology and Society Network, Asia-Pacific Science, Technology and Society Network, 2015-10-02

Black Dandelion: Science, Court, and the First Environmental Disease in Korea

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, History of Science Society, 2011-11-05

Building a glass house = 유리집 짓기 : 한국 핵투명성 구축의 정책적 의미link

Park, Sung Yoon; 박성윤; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2016

Building Capacity for a Global Genome Editing Observatory: Conceptual Challenges

Hurlbut, J. Benjamin; Jasanoff, Sheila; Saha, Krishanu; Ahmed, Aziza; Appiah, Anthony; Bartholet, Elizabeth; Baylis, Francoise; et al, TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, v.36, no.7, pp.639 - 641, 2018-07

Building Capacity for a Global Genome Editing Observatory: Institutional Design

Saha, Krishanu; Hurlbut, J. Benjamin; Jasanoff, Sheila; Ahmed, Aziza; Appiah, Anthony; Bartholet, Elizabeth; Baylis, Francoise; et al, TRENDS IN BIOTECHNOLOGY, v.36, no.8, pp.741 - 743, 2018-08

Chemical translators: Pauling, Wheland and their strategies for teaching the theory of resonance

Park, Buhm Soon, BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, v.32, no.112, pp.21 - 46, 1999-03

Chemical Translators: Pauling, Wheland, and Their Strategies for Teaching the Theory of Resonance

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, pp.0 - 0, History of Science Society, 1997-11

Chemistry by Computer: Machines and Ideas for Computational Chemistry

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Conference of Society for History of Technology, Society for History of Technology, 2009-10-18

Communicating chemistry: Textbooks and their audiences, 1789-1939.

Park, Buhm Soon, BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE, v.34, no.121, pp.247 - 2, 2001-06

Conversation in the Anthropocene: Re-envisioning Environmental Studies on the DMZ

Choi, Myeong Ae; Park, Buhm Soon, 7th International Symposium on Environmental Sociology in East Asia, ISESEA 2019, Seoul National University, 2019-10-26

Following the Footsteps of Japan? Industrialization, Pollution, and Environmental Lawsuits in Korea, 1970-1990

Park, Buhm Soon, 14th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, 2015-07-08

Forging brain studies in the information society: the origins of the brain research promotion act in korea = 정보화 사회에서의 뇌 연구 구축: 한국 뇌연구촉진법의 기원link

SHIN, YOUJUNG; 신유정; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2015

Imaginaries of Biomedicine: Disease Categories and the Reordering of University-Government Relations at the NIH

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, History of Science Society, 2017-11-09

Improving Anthropocene Literacy: A Multi-scale Approach in Science Education

Lee, Seulgi; Park, Buhm Soon, Annual meeting of 4S, Society for Social Studies of Science, 2023-11-09

Infrastructure-building for Public Health : The World Health Organization and Tuberculosis Control in South Korea, 1945-1963

Kim, Kyuri; Park, Buhm Soon, KOREAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL HISTORY, v.28, no.1, pp.89 - 137, 2019-04

Irresponsible Translation: The Nationwide Screening of Students’ Mental Health in South Korea

Park, Buhm Soon; SHIN, YOUJUNG, 25th International Congress for History of Science and Technology, International Congress for History of Science and Technology, 2017-07-24

Making matters of fraud: Sociomaterial technology in the case of Hwang and Schatten

Park, Buhm Soon, HISTORY OF SCIENCE, v.58, no.4, pp.393 - 416, 2020-12

Medical technologies at the bar = 한의학 진단기기의 법적 논쟁 : 규제법과 촉진정책 사이에 한의학의 정체성link

Lee, Jongran; 이종란; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2016

Modeling and Estimating the Science-Policy Interface: Research Funding, Bureaucratic Quality, and Scientific Performance

Kim, So Young; Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, American Political Science Association, 2014-08-30

More Academic Than a University: Three Freedoms and the Laboratory of Molecular Biology at the NIH

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, pp.0 - 0, History of Science Society, 2000-11

Noble conspirator: Florence S. Mahoney and the rise of the National Institutes of Health.

Park, Buhm Soon, ISIS, v.94, no.4, pp.761 - 763, 2003-12

Of Kimchi and Spectroscopy: Chili Powder, Free Trade, and the Boundaries of Regulatory Science

Park, Buhm Soon, International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies, American Chemical Society (hosting society for 2015 meeting), 2015-12-16

Over the Planetary Boundary: The Accelerated Consumption of Fertilizers and the Soil Revitalization Movement in South Korea

Lee, Seugi; Park, Buhm Soon, Association for East Asian Environmental History Sixth Biennial Conference, AEAEH 2021, Association for East Asian Environmental History, 2021-09-09

Patienthood in the digital age: an ethnographic study of online adult attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) patient communities in Korea = 디지털 시대의 환자 되기: 성인 주의력결핍과잉행동장애(ADHD) 온라인 커뮤니티에 대한 민속지 연구link

Lee, Sunmin; Park, Buhm Soon; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2023

Performing Multispecies Studies with Trail Cameras

Choi, Myeong Ae; Park, Buhm Soon, The RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2021, Royal Geographical Society, 2021-09

Planetarity, Regionality, and Nationality: The Scale Problem of East Asian Environmental History in the Anthropocene

Park, Buhm Soon, Association for East Asian Environmental History Sixth Biennial Conference, AEAEH 2021, Association for East Asian Environmental History, 2021-09-10

Policy for interdisciplinarity : shaping brain science in the U.S. and South Korea, 1960-2000 = 학제성의 정책적 기반 : 한∙미 뇌과학분야 형성을 중심으로,1960-2000link

Shin, Youjung; Park, Buhm Soon; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2019

Re-visioning sustainability in the city: Urban agriculture in South Korea as a platform of everyday governance = 실천으로서 지속가능성 다시 상상하기: 일상 거버넌스 플랫폼이 된 한국 도시농업 사례 연구link

Ilana, Herold; 일라나 헤롤드; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2023

'Reference' as standards : taming uncertainties and quality in the era of big data = '참조표준'을 통한 빅데이터 시대 불확실성 관리와 품질 재정의link

Lee, Do Young; Park, Buhm Soon; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2020

Reframing Ownership and Subjectivity in the Genomic Era: Science and Law in Comparative Perspective

Park, Buhm Soon; Choi, Chol, 15th International Conference on the History of Science in East Asia (ICHSEA 2019), International Society for the History of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, 2019-08-20

Riskscapes of biotechnology: how the politics of novelty works in the biosafety regulation of emerging technologies = 합성생물학과 크리스퍼(CRISPR)의 규제정책: 신기술의 바이오안전성 규제와 위험경관의 형성link

Woo, Taemin; Park, Buhm Soon; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2022

Science as a Weapon in the War against Disease in Mid-Twentieth Century America

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, History of Science Society, 2007-11

Scientific Discoveries: Berzelius, Stadtman, and the Chemistry of Selenium

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the Society for Redox Biology and Medicine, Society for Redox Biology and Medicine, 2017-11-30

Spectroscopy on Trial: Chili Powder, Country of Origin, and the Boundaries of Regulatory Science

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, History of Science Society, 2015-11-20

The Contexts of Simultaneous Discovery: Slater, Pauling, and the Origins of Hybridization


The Crucial Seed: The Development of the Intramural Research Program at the NIH after World War II

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the Washington Society of the History of Medicine, Washington Society of the History of Medicine, 2004-02

The development of the intramural research program at the National Institutes of Health after World War II

Park, Buhm Soon, PERSPECTIVES IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, v.46, no.3, pp.383 - 402, 2003

The DMZ Paradox: Multiple Temporalities of Conservation in the East Asian Anthropocene

Choi, Myeong Ae; Park, Buhm Soon, Anthropology and Conservation Conference, Royal Anthropological Institute, 2021-10-28

The Hyperbola of quantum chemistry: the changing practice and identity of a scientific discipline in the early years of electronic digital computers, 1945-65

Park, Buhm Soon, ANNALS OF SCIENCE, v.60, no.3, pp.219 - 247, 2003-07

The Lock and Key of Medicine: Monoclonal Antibodies and the Transformation of Healthcare

Park, Buhm Soon, ISIS, v.108, no.3, pp.746 - 747, 2017-09

The meaning of the Anthropocene: why it matters even without a formal geological definition

Zalasiewicz J.; Adeney Thomas J.; Waters C.N.; Turner S.; Head M.J.; Park, Buhm Soon, Nature, v.632, no.8027, pp.980 - 984, 2024-08

The potential of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) layers as Anthropocene strata

Nahm, Wook-Hyun; Kim, Wonsuck; Kim, Minsik; Park, Buhm Soon; Han, Min; Kim, So-Jeong; Lim, Hyoun Soo; et al, EPISODES, v.47, no.1, pp.179 - 186, 2024-03

The Vietnam War and Medical Research: Untold Legacy of the US Doctor Draft and the NIH "Yellow Berets"

Khot, Sandeep; Park, Buhm Soon; Longstreth, W. T., Jr., ACADEMIC MEDICINE, v.86, no.4, pp.502 - 508, 2011-04

The ‘Hyperbola of Quantum Chemistry’: The Changing Practice and Identity of a Scientific Discipline in the Early Years of Electronic Digital Computers

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society, pp.0 - 0, History of Science Society, 2001-11

(The) green revolution as a slow violence: making pesticide poisoning invisible in Korea = “느린 폭력”의 관점에서 녹색혁명 다시 보기: 1970년대 농약 중독 문제를 중심으로link

Lee, Seulgi; Park, Buhm Soon; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2021

Walther Nernst and the transition to modern physical science.

Park, Buhm Soon, ANNALS OF SCIENCE, v.58, no.4, pp.434 - 435, 2001-10

What is Transparency? IAEA and Nuclear Policy Reform in Korea

Park, Buhm Soon; Park, Seongyun, The 12th East Asian Science, Technology, and Society Network Conference, East Asian Science, Technology, and Society Network, 2016-11-19

Writing the History of Twentieth-Century Medical Research

Park, Buhm Soon, Annual Meeting of the American Association for the History of Medicine, pp.0 - 0, American Association for the History of Medicine, 2000-05

가축전염병으로 바라본 방역 정책의 사회적 재구성에 관한 연구 = A study on the social reconstruction of disinfection policy in the avian influenzalink

김영수; Kim, YoungSoo; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2015

고학력 탈북자의 관점에서 본 북한 이공계 인력의 특징 = The characteristics of north korean scientists and engineers from the perspective of university-educated defectorslink

정부경; Jung, Bugyeong; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2015

과학기술 논쟁에서 과학저널리즘의 전문가 구성-순환 정전 위험 보도를 중심으로- = Constructing experts of the science journalism on the science and technology issues: a case study of the rolling blackout risk newslink

김시연; Kim, Si Yon; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2015

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