Browse "School of Electrical Engineering(전기및전자공학부)" by Author An, Sunshin

Showing results 1 to 4 of 4

Prediction Based Mobile Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network

Lee, Sangbin; Kim, Song Min; Ko, Doohyun; Kim, Sungjun; An, Sunshin, Advances in Grid and Pervasive Computing, 4th International Conference (GPC), Springer, 2009-05-09

Priority-based Hybrid Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

Kim, Song Min; Lee, Sangbin; Ju, Hyeong-Jong; Ko, Doohyun; An, Sunshin, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (IEEE WCNC), IEEE, 2010-04-19

Reader Collision Avoidance Scheme for Mobile RFID-Sensor Integrated Networks

Ko, Doohyun; Kim, Song Min; Lee, Sangbin; An, Sunshin, 전기전자학회논문지, v.13, no.2, pp.108 - 117, 2009-06

Self-Construction of Aggregation Tree for Gathering Mobile Data in Wireless Sensor Network

Lee, Sangbin; Kim, SongMin; Kim, Sungjun; Ko, Doohyun; An, Sunshin, IEICE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, v.E93B, pp.1264 - 1267, 2010-05



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