SplitBoard: A Simple Split Soft Keyboard for Wristwatch-sized Touch Screens

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Text entry on a smartwatch is a challenging problem due to the device’s limited screen area. In this paper, we introduce the SplitBoard, which is a soft keyboard designed for a smartwatch. As the user flicks left or right on the keyboard, it switches between the left and right halves of a QWERTY keyboard. We report the results of two user experiments where the SplitBoard was compared to an ordinary QWERTY keyboard, the ZoomBoard, SlideBoard, and Qwerty-like keypad. We measured the initial performance with new users for each method. The SplitBoard outperformed all other techniques in the experiments. The SplitBoard is expected to be a viable option for smartwatch text entry because of its light processing requirements, good performance, and immediate learnability
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