Controller design for global stability of approximate feedback linearizable nonlinear systems with uncertainty근사 궤환선형화가 가능한 불확실 비선형시스템을 위한 전역 안정화 제어기 설계

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Even though many practical systems have nonlinear structure, there is no general method to control nonlinear systems. For last two decades, approximate feedback linearization has received attention in nonlinear control field. If the approximate feedback linearization can be applied to a nonlinear system, the nonlinear system is transformed into a chain of integrators with a perturbed term called perturbed chain of integrators system. Many control methods have been studied to stabilize the perturbed chain of integrators system under some assumptions in which the perturbed term satisfies feedforward condition or triangular condition. However, the previous control methods cannot guarantee their stability performance when the perturbed term does not satisfy either the feedforward condition or the triangular condition. In this thesis, we consider more generalized condition in which some parts of the perturbed term satisfy the feedforward condition, and the other parts of the perturbed term satisfy the triangular condition. Moreover, the condition also covers the case that all parts of the perturbed term satisfy either the feedforward condition or the triangular condition. Under the condition, we propose a state feedback control method to globally exponentially stabilize the perturbed chain of integrators system, and then we extend the state feedback control method to output feedback control method. When we show Lyapunov stability, we utilize some concepts of the singularly perturbed system analysis framework. We also show that the control method can be available in lack of information about the linear growth rate of the condition. In addition, when some parts of control gains have extremely high or low value, we present a gain tuning method to relax the extreme parts.
Lim, Jong-Taeresearcher임종태
한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학과,
Issue Date
569212/325007  / 020123052

학위논문(석사) - 한국과학기술원 : 전기및전자공학과, 2014.2, [ v, 58 p. ]


Approximate feedback linearization; 전역 안정화; 특이섭동 시스템; 하삼각 성분 조건; 상삼각 성분 조건; 섭동이 있는 적분기 사슬 시스템; Perturbed chain of integrators system; Feedforward condition; Triangular condition; Singularly perturbed system; Global stabilization; 근사 궤환선형화

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