Hydroelastic design contour for the preliminary design of pontoon-type rectangular VLFS

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dc.contributor.authorCho Seong-Pil-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jin-Gyun-
dc.contributor.authorLee, PhillSeung-
dc.identifier.citationJoint seminar on offshore renewable energy utilization in Japan and Korea, v., no., pp. --
dc.description.abstractIn this paper, we propose a hydroelastic design contour (HDC) that can be practically used for the preliminary design of pontoon-type rectangular very large floating structures (VLFSs). Using the design contour, we can easily predict the maximum bending moment of VLFSs in irregular waves. To develop the design contour, we first construct the hydroelastic response contours (HRCs) by extensively carrying out hydroelastic analyses considering various structural and wave conditions, namely, the bending stiffness and aspect ratio of VLFSs, incident wave length and angle, as well as the sea state. Based on the pre-calculated HRCs, we develop the HDC considering irregular waves. We then propose a preliminary design procedure for VLFSs using the HDC and demonstrate it by designing a simple pontoon-type rectangular VLFS. The HDC can significantly reduce time and effort for the design of VLFSs.-
dc.publisherUniversity of Tokyo-
dc.titleHydroelastic design contour for the preliminary design of pontoon-type rectangular VLFS-
dc.citation.publicationnameJoint seminar on offshore renewable energy utilization in Japan and Korea-
dc.contributor.localauthorLee, PhillSeung-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorCho Seong-Pil-
dc.contributor.nonIdAuthorKim, Jin-Gyun-
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OSE-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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