Modeling and Analysis of Simultaneous Switching Noise Coupling for a CMOS Negative-Feedback Operational Amplifier in System-in-Package

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dc.contributor.authorShim, Yujeong-
dc.contributor.authorPark, Jongbae-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Jaemin-
dc.contributor.authorSong, Eakhwan-
dc.contributor.authorYoo, Jeongsik-
dc.contributor.authorPak, Junso-
dc.contributor.authorKim, Joungho-
dc.identifier.citationIEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY, Vol.51, No.3, pp.763-773en
dc.description.abstractA new hybrid modeling method is proposed for the chip–package comodeling and coanalysis. This method is designed to investigate the simultaneous switching noise (SSN) coupling paths and effects on the dc output voltage offset of the operational amplifier (OpAmp). It combines an analytical model of the circuit with a power distributed network (PDN) and interconnection models at the chip and package substrate. In order to validate the proposed model, CMOS OpAmp was fabricated using TSMC 0.25 μm. Then the dc output offset voltage of the OpAmp was measured by sweeping the SSN frequency from 10 MHz up to 3 GHz. It was successfully demonstrated that the experimental results are consistent with the predictions generated using the proposedmodel. We also confirmed that the dc offset voltage is strongly dependent on the SSN frequency and the PDN impedance profile of the chip–package hierarchical PDN. It shows the necessity for the chip–package comodeling and simulation of the system-in-package designs.en
dc.subjectCircuit modelingen
dc.subjectelectromagnetic noiseen
dc.subjectimpedance matrixen
dc.subjectoperational amplifiersen
dc.subjectpower distribution linesen
dc.subjectpower distribution noiseen
dc.titleModeling and Analysis of Simultaneous Switching Noise Coupling for a CMOS Negative-Feedback Operational Amplifier in System-in-Packageen


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