보 보강재 배치 최적화 문제에서의 기하구속조건 처리기법A Geometry Constraint Handling Technique in Beam Stiffener Layout Optimization Problem

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Beam stiffeners have frequently been used for raising natural frequencies of base structures. In stiffener layout optimization problems, most of the previous researches considering the position and/or the length of the stiffener as design variables dealt with structures having just simple convex shapes such as a square or rectangle. The reason is concave shape structures have difficulties ill formulating geometry constraints. In this paper, a new geometry constraint handling technique, which can define both convex and concave feasible lesions and measure a degree of geometry constraint violation, is proposed. Evolution strategies (ESs) is utilized as an optimization tool. In addition, the constraint-handling technique of EVOSLINOC (EVOlution Strategy for scalar optimization with Lineal and Nonlinear Constraints) is utilized to solve constrained optimization problems. From a numerical example, the proposed geometry constraint handling technique is verified and proves that the technique can easily be applied to structures in net only convex but also concave shapes, even with a protrusion or interior holes.
Issue Date

한국소음진동공학회 2004년 춘계학술대회, v.4, pp.870 - 875

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ME-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)
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