Structure and Composition Analysis of Natural Gas Hydrates: C-13 NMR Spectroscopic and Gas Uptake Measurements of Mixed Gas Hydrates

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Gas hydrates are becoming an attractive way of storing and transporting large quantities of natural gas, although there has been little effort to understand the preferential occupation of heavy hydrocarbon molecules in hydrate cages. In this work, we present the formation kinetics of mixed hydrate based on a gas uptake measurement during hydrate formation, and how the compositions of the hydrate phase are varied under corresponding formation conditions. We also examine the effect of silica gel pores on the physical properties of mixed hydrate, including thermodynamic equilibrium, formation kinetics, and hydrate compositions. It is expected that the enclathration of ethane and propane is faster than that of methane early stage hydrate formation, and later methane becomes the dominant component to be enclathrated due to depletion of heavy hydrocarbons in the vapor phase. The composition of the hydrate phase seems to be affected by the consumed amount of natural gas, which results in a variation of heating value of retrieved gas from mixed hydrates as a function of formation temperature. C-13 NMR experiments were used to measure the distribution of hydrocarbon molecules over the cages of hydrate structure when it forms either from bulk water or water in silica get pores. We confirm that 70% of large cages of mixed hydrate are occupied by methane molecules when it forms from bulk water; however, only 19% of large cages of mixed hydrate are Occupied by methane molecules when it forms from water in silica gel pores. This result indicates that the fractionation of the hydrate phase with heavy hydrocarbon molecules is enhanced in silica gel pores. In addition when heavy hydrocarbon molecules are depleted in the vapor phase during the formation of mixed hydrate, structure I methane hydrate forms instead of structure II mixed hydrate and both structures coexist together, which is also confirmed by C-13 NMR spectroscopic analysis.
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JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY A, v.113, no.35, pp.9641 - 9649

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ME-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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