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논 잡초 방제용 자율주행 로봇을 위한 벼의 형태학적특징 기반의 주행기준선 추출

최근하, 로봇학회 논문지, v.9, no.3, pp.147 - 153, ACCEPT

Overnight returns, daytime reversals, and anchoring bias

Kim, Donghoon; Goh, Jihoon, Applied Economics Letters, pp.1 - 5, ACCEPT

DR Loss-Free Dithering-Based Digital Background Linearity Calibration for SAR-Assisted Multi-Stage ADCs With Digital Input-Interference Cancellation

Zhang, Lizhen; Gao, Bo; Park, Kunwoo; Lozada, Kent Edrian; Mabilangan, Raymond; Kim, Hyeongjin; Wu, Jianhui; et al, IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, v.5, pp.349 - 364, ACCEPT

Engaging Consumers With Virtual Reality: A Moderation Role of Product Types and Consumption Orientations

Lee, Sol; Choi, Kyungdon; Kim, Minki, PSYCHOLOGY & MARKETING, ACCEPT

Vapor‑Phase Deposited Polymer Dielectric Layers for Organic Electronics: Design, Characteristics, and Applications

Jang, Sukwon; Kim, Youson; Lee, Chungryeol; Nam, Taehyun; Park, Jeongik; Yang, Junyeong; Kim, Juchan; et al, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, ACCEPT

EcoMRL: Deep reinforcement learning-based traffic signal control for urban air quality

Jung, Jaeeun; Kim, Inhi; Yoon, Jinwon, International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, ACCEPT

How car and battery companies can work around US trade tariffs and rules

Chun, Hyeon Young; Park, Tae Jung, NATURE, v.637, no.8044, pp.31 - 33, ACCEPT

Unlocking Novel Functionality: Pseudocapacitive Sensing in MXene-Based Flexible Supercapacitors

Kim, Eunji; Kim, Seongbeen; Jin, Hyeong Min; Kim, Gyungtae; Ha, Hwi-Heon; Choi, Yunhui; Min, Kyoungha; et al, NANO-MICRO LETTERS, v.17, no.1, 2025-12

Mass-spring system modelling for biplane membrane flapping wings

Nguyen, Anh Tuan; Pham, Thanh Dong; Le, Vu Dan Thanh; Vu, Quoc Tru; Han, Jae-Hung; Kim, Sang-Woo, ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, v.41, no.9, 2025-09

Ultrastrong and ductile CoNiMoAl medium-entropy alloys enabled by L12 nanoprecipitate-induced multiple deformation mechanisms

Sung, Min Young; Jang, Tae Jin; Song, Sang Yoon; Lee, Gunjick; Ryou, Kenhee; Oh, Sang-Ho; Lee, Byeong-Joo; et al, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v.225, pp.72 - 86, 2025-08

Enhancing CO2 capture efficiency using optimized 3D-Printed structured adsorbents

Lee, Junghyun; Lee, Hongju; Tan, Wen See; Chuah, Chong Yang; Tan, Ming Jen; Bae, Tae-Hyun; Song, Juha, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, v.361, 2025-07

Effect of decomposed TiCp on the mechanical properties of laser powder directed energy depositioned Inconel 718

Jeong, Wonjong; Lee, Taegyu; Youn, Seong-June; Lee, Minseok; Kong, Taeyeong; Ryu, Ho Jin, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, v.224, pp.66 - 79, 2025-07

Strontium-free Ruddlesden-Popper cuprates (La1.7Ca0.3Cu0.75M0.25O4+s, M = Fe, Co, Ni) as cathode materials for high-performance solid oxide fuel cells

Shin, Seoyoon; Huang, Xiubing; Oh, Mi Young; Ye, Youn Jin; Lee, Jinwoo; Irvine, John T. S.; Lee, Seokhee; et al, JOURNAL OF THE EUROPEAN CERAMIC SOCIETY, v.45, no.5, 2025-05

Reconstructed fluorine doped perovskites for electrocatalytic urea production through reaction pathways with CO2 and nitrate ions

Kim, HyunJung; Lim, Tae Jin; EOM, HO HYEON; Kim, Yu Jin; Kim, Kyeonghak; Lee, Jae W., APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY, v.365, 2025-05

A constant-factor approximation for weighted bond cover

Kim, Eun Jung; Lee, Euiwoong; Thilikos, Dimitrios M., JOURNAL OF COMPUTER AND SYSTEM SCIENCES, v.149, 2025-05

Advancing polybenzimidazole organic solvent nanofiltration membranes with oxygen-rich crosslinking for rapid polar solvent flux

Yang, Hyeonmin; Hong, Yujeong; Lee, Yongjin; Park, Hosik; Park, You-In; Bae, Tae-Hyun, SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY, v.356, 2025-04

Analysing driver behaviour and crash frequency at railway level crossings using connected vehicle and GIS data

Lee, Seunghyeon; Chen, Tiantian; Sze, N.N.; Mao, Tuo; Ou, Yuming; Mihaita, Adriana-Simona; Chen, Fang, TRAVEL BEHAVIOUR AND SOCIETY, v.39, 2025-04

Urban air mobility for airport access: Mode choice preference associated with socioeconomic status and airport usage behavior

Jang, Hyeokjun; Kwon, Yeongmin; Jang, Kitae; Kim, Suji, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, v.124, 2025-04

Performance analysis and design optimization of a direct-absorption parabolic-trough solar collector with concentric nanofluid partitions

Qin, Caiyan; Seo, Junyong; Yoon, Siwon; Lee, Bong Jae; Zhu, Qunzhi, SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, v.282, 2025-04

An optimization framework for urban air mobility (UAM) planning and operations

Shon, Heeseung; Lee, Jinwoo, JOURNAL OF AIR TRANSPORT MANAGEMENT, v.124, 2025-04

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