Showing results 166796 to 166815 of 283727
Q 이론과 수익성 프리미엄 : 한국 주식시장에 대한 실증분석 = Q theory and profitability premium : an empirical investigation of Korean stock marketlink 성재동; 조훈; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2019 |
Q($\lambda$) learning based route guidance of overhead hoist transport vehicle in automated material handling system = 자동 반송 시스템에서의 Q($\lambda$) 학습 기반 OHT 차량 경로 설정link Jin, Mei Xiang; Jang, Young Jae; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2017 |
(Q,r) Inventory Model with a Mixture of Lost Sales and Time-weighted Backorders D.Kim; Park, Kyung Soo, JOURNAL OF THE OPERATIONAL RESEARCH SOCIETY, v.36, no.3, pp.231 - 238, 1985-03 |
q-Analog of tableau containment Kim, Jang Soo, JOURNAL OF COMBINATORIAL THEORY SERIES A, v.118, no.3, pp.1021 - 1038, 2011-04 |
Q-band micro-patch antennas implemented on a high resistivity silicon substrate using the surface micromachining technology Ha M.-L.; Cho Y.-H.; Pyo C.-S.; Kwon, Young Se, 2004 IEEE MITT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, v.2, pp.1189 - 1192, 2004-06-06 |
Q-DRAM: Quick-Access DRAM with Decoupled Restoring from Row-Activation Shin, Wongyu; Choi, Jung Whan; Jang, Jaemin; Suh, Jinwoong; Kwon, Yongkee; Moon, Youngsuk; Kim, Hongsik; et al, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPUTERS, v.65, no.7, pp.2213 - 2227, 2016-07 |
Q-factor Controlled MMIC Active Resonator using Bias Circuit and its Application to Band Pass Filter. Kwon, Young Se, European Microwave Conference 1999, 1999 |
Q-factor enhanced microwave active resonators and their applications to tunable band pass filters = 향상된 품질 계수를 가지는 마이크로파 능동형 공진기와 주파수 가변 대역 통과 필터에의 응용link Lee, Jong-Soo; 이종수; et al, 한국과학기술원, 2001 |
Q-factor map matching method using adaptive fuzzy network Kim, S; Kim, Jong-Hwan, Proceedings of the 1999 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems Conference, FUZZ-IEEE'99, v.2, 1999-08-22 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam; Nakayama, Noboru, Workshop on Algebraic Geometry, Sichuan University, 2014-05-19 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam; Nakayama, Noboru, Fudan-KAISTWorkshop on Algebra and Geometry, Fudan University, 2013-11-21 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam; Nakayama, Noboru, Geometry of Complex Threefolds, Hausdorff Institute of Mathematics, 2014-03-12 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications 이용남; Nakayama, Noboru, Landau-Ginzburg Theory and Fano Varieties, IBS, POSTECH, 2014-05-29 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications 이용남; Nakayama, Noboru, Summer School on Algebraic Geometry 2014, 서울대학교, 2014-06-16 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam; Nakayama, Noboru, Seoul ICM 2014 Satellite Conference on Algebraic and Complex Geometry, KIAS, 2014-08-06 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam, Asian Mathematical Conference 2016, South East Asian Mathematical Society, 2016-07-27 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam, Hokkaido University-KAIST(ASARC) Joint Workshop, Algebra and Geometry, Hokkaido University, 2016-01-08 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications 이용남; Nakayama, Noboru, Symposium on Projective Algebraic Varieties and Moduli 2014, 서울대학교, 2014-02-10 |
Q-Gorenstein deformation theory and its applications Lee, Yongnam; Nakayama, Noboru, Arithmetic and Algebraic Geometry 2014, University of Tokyo, 2014-01-29 |
Q-Gorenstein deformations and its applications Lee, Yongnam; Nakayama, Noboru, Classification of Algebraic Varieties and related topics, University of Rome, 2013-09-11 |