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Showing results 2 to 4 of 4

Fate of global symmetries in the Universe: QCD axion, quintessential axion and trans-Planckian inflaton decay constant

Kim, Jihn E.; Nam, Soonkeon; Semertzidis, Yannis K., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MODERN PHYSICS A, v.33, no.3, pp.1830002, 2018-01

Modal and forced response analysis of vehicle systems with latent vibration modes due to hydraulic mounts

Sakong, Hyeon Gyu; Hur, Gyunchul; Kim, Kwang-Joon; Jeon, Wonju, JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND ACOUSTICS-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, v.142, no.4, pp.1 - 25, 2020-08

전재경의 소설 「최후의 교실」 연구: 판본 비교와 세계문학적 맥락

이상경, 어문학, no.157, pp.237 - 281, 2022-09

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