Browse by Author Guimberteau, Matthieu

Showing results 1 to 3 of 3

Evaluation of ORCHIDEE-MICT-simulated soil moisture over China and impacts of different atmospheric forcing data

Yin, Zun; Ottle, Catherine; Ciais, Philippe; Guimberteau, Matthieu; Wang, Xuhui; Zhu, Dan; Maignan, Fabienne; et al, HYDROLOGY AND EARTH SYSTEM SCIENCES, v.22, no.10, pp.5463 - 5484, 2018-10

ORCHIDEE-MICT (v8.4.1), a land surface model for the high latitudes: model description and validation

Guimberteau, Matthieu; Zhu, Dan; Maignan, Fabienne; Huang, Ye; Yue, Chao; Dantec-Nedelec, Sarah; Ottle, Catherine; et al, GEOSCIENTIFIC MODEL DEVELOPMENT, v.11, no.1, pp.121 - 163, 2018-01

The critical role of the routing scheme in simulating peak river discharge in global hydrological models

Zhao, Fang; Veldkamp, Ted I. E.; Frieler, Katja; Schewe, Jacob; Ostberg, Sebastian; Willner, Sven; Schauberger, Bernhard; et al, ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS, v.12, no.7, 2017-07

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