Browse by Author Awan, Zunnoor Fayyaz

Showing results 1 to 2 of 2

Different Multi-layer Photonic Configurations for Light Filtering in Optical Communications

Sikder, Rabiul Islam; Fasih, Muhammad; Awan, Zunnoor Fayyaz; Yoon, Hyeonho; Park, Hyo-Hoon; Kurt, Hamza, 24th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology (ICACT) - Artificial Intelligence Technologies toward Cybersecurity, pp.293 - 296, IEEE, 2022-02

Inversely designed miniature light filtering structures with back-reflection minimization

Awan, Zunnoor Fayyaz; Fasih, Muhammad; YOON, JIN HYEONG; Kurt, Hamza, SPIE Photonics West 2023, SPIE, 2023-01-31

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