KGSF-Conference Papers(학술회의논문)

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 195

Environment Costs and Firm Performance in the Financial Services Industry

H. Jo; H. Kim; Park, Kwangwoo, 2013년 재무금융 관련 5개 학회 학술연구발표회 및 특별심포지엄, 한구재무학회, 2013-05-31

Another perspective on the cross-sectional tests of asset pricing models

Kim, Jinyong; Jaewon Choi, NYU Economics Alumni Conference, NYU, 2013-05-31

Environment Cost and Firm Performance around the World

H. Jo; H. Kim; B. Lee; Park, Kwangwoo, MFS Conference 20th Annual Conference, MFS, 2013-07-02

Does Equity-Based Compensation of Audit Committee Deter or Trigger Earnings Managment? New Evidence

Kim, Hyungtae; Kwak, Byungjin; Suk, Inho, American Accounting Association Annual Meeting, American Accounting Association, 2013-08-06

Improving the predictability of stock market returns with the growth of options open interest

Byun, Suk Joon; Kim, Jun Sik, 2013 FMA Annual Meeting, Financial Management Association, 2013-10-17

Environment Costs and Firm Performance around the World

H. Jo; H. Kim; B. Lee; Park, Kwangwoo, 2013 한국재무학회 추계학술대회, 한국재무학회, 2013-11-22

Differing Effects of Firm Size and Industry Membership on Firm Profitability

Lee, Jaywon, 33rd European Accounting AssociationAnnual Congress , pp.1 - 56, European Accounting Association, 2010-05

The Effect of Changes in Index Constitution : Evidence from the Korean Stock Market

윤주영; 김동석, 경영관련학회 통합학술대회, 2010

Finance Comittee and Cost of Capital

Lee, Jaywon, 2010 American Accounting AssociationAnnual Meeting, pp.1 - 45, American Accounting Association, 2010

An empirical study on the price effect of large order imbalance

Kang, Jangkoo, 재무학회 정기학술대회, 재무학회, 2007-11-01

The Impact of Sarbanes-Oxley on the Accounting Quality of Firms Cross-listed in the U.S. versus the U.K.

Lee, Jaywon, American Accounting Association 2009 Annual Meeting, pp.1 - 61, American Accounting Association, 2009-08

Publishing in Finance Journals: An Editor’s Perspective

Webb, Robert I, 2009 China Finance Review International Conference, 2009

Lessons from the Financial Crisis

Webb, Robert I, 2009 China Finance Review International Conference(Keynote Address), 2009

The Financial Crisis, Volatile Commodity Prices and Derivatives Regulation

Webb, Robert I, Annual Seoul International Derivative Securities Conference, 2009

Does Spurious Mean Reversion in Basis Changes Still Exist After the Introduction of Exchange Traded Funds

Webb, Robert I, City University of Hong Kong Finance Seminar, 2009

The Impact of the US Credit Crisis and the Restructuring in the Investment Banking Industry on the Korean Financial Markets

Park, Kwangwoo, The 9th Harry S Truman Conference: Issues and Prospects for U.S. - Korea Relations and Cooperation, pp.1 - 47, 2009

취약계층 일자리 정책의 현실과 발전 방향: 사회적 기업을 중심으로

이재원, 사회정책학회 추계학술학회, pp.1 - 22, 사회정책학회, 2009

Trading behavior before the public release of analyst reports

Jung, Kooyul, International Conference Asian Finance Association , Asian Finance Association, 2009

Closed-form upper bounds for the optimal exercise boundary of American put

변석준, 한국산업응용수학회 학술대회, 한국산업응용수학회, 2006

Analytic Approximations for Valuing Ratchet Caps in the LIBOR Market Model

Byun, Suk Joon, Asian Finance Association conference, 2004

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