Combustion dynamics of lean fully-premixed hydrogen-air flames in a mesoscale multinozzle array

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In the near future, lean-premixed hydrogen combustion technology for low-emission gas turbine engines is expected to be crucial in the effort to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, in association with energy system decarbonization. In this study, we examine combustion instabilities in lean fully-premixed hydrogen-air flames in a mesoscale multinozzle array; little is currently known about how these flames respond to acoustic perturbations. Several measurement techniques, including phase-synchronized OH* chemiluminescence imaging, OH Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence, acoustic pressure, and the two microphone method, are used, together with reduced-order acoustic modeling, to identify the key physical properties of lean-premixed hydrogen-air flames, in comparison with lean-premixed methane-air flames. We show that extremely compact lean-premixed hydrogen flames are preferentially coupled to higher eigenmodes of a given system, L3 - L6, including approximately 1 kHz high-frequency instabilities, while the instabilities of methane-air flames are predominantly limited to the first longitudinal mode under the same range of operating conditions. This is attributed to the fact that the dynamics of the methane flames are governed by the collective motion of constituent flames, involving a complex process of the emergence, convection, and interaction of large-scale structures. By contrast, the hydrogen flames in the multinozzle configuration oscillate in isolation within a very short distance and without strong flameto-flame interactions. This is particularly suitable for accommodating high-frequency heat release modulations. The triggering of intense sound generation from lean-premixed mesoscale hydrogen flames is correlated strongly with a combination of flame surface destruction due to front merging and the flames' close proximity to a pressure antinode. These results, for the first time, highlight the key features of self-excited combustion instabilities of mesoscale multinozzle hydrogen-air flames in a well-controlled laboratory-scale experiment, and could pave the way for future carbon-neutral gas turbine combustion technology.
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COMBUSTION AND FLAME, v.218, no.8, pp.234 - 246

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AE-Journal Papers(저널논문)
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